What Knnktor® does

Our Mission

Knnktor’s mission is to reduce risk aversion, improve foreign or equitable development investment, and drive down cost of capital to increase the chance of a deserving venture’s survival, thus improving the middle class, creating jobs, and reducing the poverty gap in “at risk” developing regions and marginalized or underserved communities of the world stimulating a circular economy.

Our Vision

To become a leading consulting and technology firm providing tangible economic insights that make business decisions objective.

Knnktor provides tools that offer intuitive insights and understanding. Our Venture Persona affects neurophysiological processes that interpret the insights collected through various Knnktor Business Credibility Index sub-attributes (KBCI). These are then represented in Neuroarchitecture as a Venture Persona®.

These tools will help provide an objective view of ventures, which will assist them in improving their chances for capitalization. Additionally, they will also guide investors and partners in their matchmaking decisions.

We expect these tools to reveal the hidden potential of businesses in underserved communities, reduce risk aversion, and ultimately drive down the cost of capital.

The Thriving Ecosystem

Our vision for a thriving ecosystem is one that has the information required to make insightfully fair decisions: giving businesses in underserved communities the opportunity to thrive and increase employment with supported growth and scaling plans, which should reduce poverty in underserved regions. 

Risk reduction improves our probability for success in this fight and creates value in areas that have been unable to do so because of the perception of their capabilities.

Our Core Values

Trustworthiness: Be aware of your circle and assure to protect your credibility because trust is what we do

Transparency: Be prepared to reveal all because nothing hides under a bushel

Simplicity: Create solutions that simplify and reduce pain points for all stakeholders

Respect: Give honor to whom honor is due regardless of age, race, color, or gender

Innovate: Innovate or die

Purpose: Pursue our purpose with passion and represent the Lord God through every action

Care: Take Care of your fellow man